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Practicing Harp Happiness

#021: Music For The Ears: Are We Too Visual?

I used to listen. For instance, when I first started playing the harp there were no electronic tuners; I had to learn to tune by ear.

I am convinced we harpists have lost some essential listening skills. What role does listening play in your daily practice? I believe listening is too often the last resort. On today’s show I suggest some practical strategies for making focused listening and informed musicianship part of your harp playing every day.

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#020: Finger Agility For The Accident Prone: Your Guide To More Facile Fingers

Do you think you’re too old or too uncoordinated to have agile fingers? Think again.

Agile fingers aren’t just for the young or the gifted and they don’t happen by magic. Developing finger facility is key to faster learning and more stumble-free playing. Listen and discover the three things you need to stop doing and the three you need to start doing now to teach your fingers to play with more speed and security at any age.

Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode: 

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#019: Plan Your Practice Like a Pro [Goal Setting for Harpists 4]

If you ask a professional harpist how she plans her practice, she probably won’t be able to tell you. 

But ask her what she does every day and she’ll tell you her favorite routine, what she does first and what is the most important part of her practice. Pros learn how to practice efficiently and how to get consistent results from their practice. If you’ve ever wondered if you’re missing something in your practice, this episode is for you.

Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode: 

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#018: Knowing When You Get There [Goal Setting For Harpists 3]

Case Study: A 90 Day Goal In Action

On this show, I present a case study of a student whose 90 Day Goal was to improve her skill in playing hands together. You’ll see the plan come together as I walk you through each step of the goal setting process from idea to action. You’ll also learn how to adapt this plan for a different skill or change it for your personal learning style, along with critical safeguards to put in place to ensure your success.

Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode:

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#017: Choose Goals You Can Meet [Goal Setting For Harpists 2]

The first step in achieving a harp goal is believing you can achieve it.

On today’s show I interview Houston harpist and Harp Mastery® Certified Coach Caitlin Mehrtens. Caitlin is expert at helping her students succeed and she shares her advice on how to choose the right goals for you, as well as the two most powerful factors for success. You’ll also learn when to take a step back and refocus so you can move forward. This is a must-listen episode!

Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode:

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#016: The Four Levels of Goals [Goal Setting For Harpists 1]

Do you resist setting goals for your harp playing?

Maybe setting goals feels like it will stifle your creativity or take the fun out of your harp playing. Maybe you think goals are only for “serious” harpists.

Today’s show reveals why goals are crucial for every harpist who wants to improve. You’ll learn the 3 types of goals, the 4 levels of goal setting and I’ll give you my exclusive Progress Planner so you can map out each step toward your goal.

Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode:

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#015: Do You Fall Into the Practice Gap? [3 Steps to Finishing Your Music Faster]

Have you spent weeks or months practicing your piece and it still isn’t ready to play? You have fallen into the Practice Gap!

The Practice Gap is the divide between making your music better and making it music. If you’re taking longer than four weeks to finish a piece, you’re in serious danger of being stuck on the wrong side. Revamp your practice system so you never have to worry about getting tired of your piece before you can actually play it.

Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode: 

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#014: Taming The Terrible Thumb [3 Secrets to a Musical Thumb]

Is your thumb timid or a tyrant?

We harpists rely on our thumbs - just try playing a scale without them. They are our longest fingers and undoubtedly our strongest. They double our reach on the harp strings. But how musical are your thumbs?

In this episode, I will show you how your thumbs can be expressive with a supple, fluid sound that can make a melody sing or blend in beautifully with your other fingers, and how to fix common thumb problems.


Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode: 

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#013: Master Your Metronome [Do's and Don'ts for Metronome Haters]

Which would you choose: practicing with the metronome or sitting through your kid's favorite cartoon AGAIN?

If the metronome feels like torture, this show will save you from going click crazy. The metronome isn't just for playing fast; it's for creating time to be correct and musical too. You'll learn the proper (and nearly painless) ways to use the metronome - not as a paperweight- and save tons of practice time too! You can play along with me too!  

Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode: 

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#012: Three Steps to More Confidence [And Better Harp Playing]

Confidence isn’t something you're born with; it’s something you build. It’s gradually formed from experience. It’s bolstered with successes and sharpened with failures. If lack of confidence is holding you back, you have the whole thing backwards.

In this episode of the show, I’ll share some of my own struggles with self-confidence and the experiences which helped me grow and get stronger. I’ve also helped many students feel more confident in their harp playing and I will show you how you can follow those same steps on your own.

You will discover:

  • The hidden dangers of the “comfort zone.”
  • That it’s not really a lack of confidence that is holding you back.
  • How you can feel more confident when you can’t see any reason why you should.
  • The two most powerful words for building your confidence.

Are you feeling more confident already?

There’s no need to worry. I’m right beside you. Let’s do this!

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