Even though you’ve practiced that piece a million times and a million different ways and you feel you know it backwards, forwards and inside out, there are so many variables in a performance situation that it’s no wonder we’re scared.
Yes, there are ways to “bulletproof” your music and yourself. But that’s not what today’s show is about. Today we are putting the focus on the fear itself. That feeling of fear is real, even though we can tell ourselves there isn’t anything to be actually afraid of. We are going to call out the fear we feel, bring it into the light, give it a name and learn how to get past it.
We’re not talking about perfection here. We’re talking about management: of your fear, your expectations, your adrenalin, your focus. And while I can’t guarantee that you won’t have any fear, I can promise you that the strategies we will talk about today will allow you to play for others with confidence, with assurance that your performance will be a reasonable representation of your practice., You might even find that this helps you enjoy the music more while you’re playing it. And maybe the next time someone asks you to play, you’ll find yourself saying. “Sure! I’d love to!” That’s No Sweat performing!
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