What is Your Next Step?

If there were one step you could take to be able to play the harp the way you want, would you take it?

Introducing The Gold Circle

A 6- or 12-month program for harpists who are ready to take the next step.

1-on-1 Coaching

Individual online lessons designed to create the change you want.

Power and Focus

Online masterclasses and workshops add impact and maximize your progress.

Small Group Support

Because no one should have to make the journey alone.

What exactly is the Gold Circle?

I'm glad you asked! Let me answer you this way...

After I started Harp Mastery years ago, I discovered that I had stumbled across a way to realize one of my most important personal goals – to pass along the tremendous gift that my own harp teachers had shared with me, to help sustain and continue their harp legacies.

It was a big moment for me. Instead of just sharing this legacy of learning with a handful of students in my private studio, I could share it on a 21st century scale, making a bigger impact than any of my teachers or their teachers could possibly have imagined. And so My Harp Mastery was born, my membership community where I currently teach, grow and share with over 200 harpists of all ages and skill levels from all over the world.

In the course of that teaching, though, I noticed that there was a gap I hadn’t anticipated. There were some students who wanted to move faster, make more progress, work toward more focused goals than most of the community. These students weren’t necessarily better than the others; they just wanted more.

At the same time, I was itching to work with them. I love to really dig in to help a harpist achieve his or her dreams, to watch them grow into the harpists they always wanted to be. I live for the “lightbulb moments,” the smiles of satisfaction and pride in accomplishment, the high fives of achievement.

But I didn’t have the time.

That was a killer realization for me. On the one hand, I was achieving one of my important harp missions. But I had left no room in that system for one of the things I love most about teaching – partnering with a student in a deeply significant and personal way. Enter the Gold Circle.

The Right People

The Gold Circle is simply a small group of harpists who are committed to long-term growth in their playing. This commitment doesn’t depend on your skill level or how long you’ve been playing. It depends solely on your desire – your desire to take your harp playing to a higher level, to reach a particular goal or be able to finally play the music you want – and on your willingness to work to make it happen. Because if you’re ready, I’m ready to work right alongside you every step of the way.

The Right Program

The program itself is a blend of 1-on-1 (that’s you and me!) online coachings, online group masterclasses and workshops, in-person retreats and more. It’s designed to give you the most focused guidance and instruction possible, along with a strong sense of community, support and encouragement. Think the power of a conservatory harp program without the competition, classwork or grades. Even better, the program is designed FOR you and BY you; we start with a Planning Call to set up your personal curriculum for the course.

The Gold Circle isn’t for the harpist who is happy with the status quo, who feels that right now everything is “good enough.” And it’s not for the harpist who isn’t able to find practice time on a fairly regular basis.

But it could be a perfect fit for…

…the harpist who wants to move beyond the early intermediate stages to more advanced music but can’t seem to make it happen.

…the harpist who wants to put together a repertoire of music to play but hasn’t been able to figure out how.

…the harpist who is ready to make a change in their playing, fight the inertia and play that piece they’ve always loved but have been too afraid to start.

…the harpist who wants to perform but has always been too intimidated to try. 

…the harpist whose hard work just doesn’t seem to be getting them anywhere and who wants to end the cycle of frustration.

...the harpist who has a plan and wants some help to make her vision her reality.

Let's Review Everything that is Part of the
Gold Circle Program

And I'm adding more all the time!

To Get You Started:

  • Private One-on-One Jump Start Call. This call with me personally will be our chance to review everything that is part of the program and make sure that you have everything you need (including the computer stuff) to get started right away.

  • Private Planning Call. This is when we create your personalized curriculum. We talk about your harp goals, your musical dreams, what you want to accomplish in our work together. And we set out our plan for exactly how we intend to make it happen.

Each and Every Month:

  • 1 Private One Hour Coaching/Lesson over Zoom. This is our special dedicated time to focus on what is happening, what’s not working and what comes next for you. Plus, we record your lesson so you can review it later.

  • 1 Online Playing Class to hone your performance skills. Each month all of our members play a piece they are working on in a playing class. It’s how we work on performance and playing skills, so that the Gold Circlers can be prepared for whatever opportunity comes their way.

  • 1 Online At-the-Harp Workshop on technique, ensemble, etc. While the playing class is geared toward playing skills, the workshop is a hands-on group learning experience, just like in-person workshops you may have attended.

But wait, there’s more! 😊

  • 2 In-Person Retreats. Your Gold Circle membership includes the cost of two 5-day, 4-night members-only retreats. This is not only our time to work together in person, but it’s also our time to be together. All the retreat expenses except your travel to and from the retreats are included. (I’m hoping to have harps available as well so you don’t have to bring your own. How’s that for a bonus?)

    Retreat 1: Late September or early October. Exact dates and location are announced as available.
    Retreat 2: February or March. Usually somewhere near Orlando in sunny Florida. 

  • Plus 1 Ticket to Both Retreats. Yes! Bring a friend, spouse, partner – whoever you like on the retreat with you. After all, your personal support team should have some of the fun too. And there will be plenty of things for them to do while we are working.

  • Access to Our Own Gold Circle Website. Here’s where you will find the recordings of all our masterclasses and workshops, music for our exercises and warm-ups, retreat details and all sorts of helpful resources.

  • One Year My Harp Mastery Membership. Already a member? Your membership will extend for 12 months beyond your current subscription  term.

  • 4 BONUS Private One Hour Coaching Sessions to use whenever you want. Use them to help you prepare for that important performance, kick that piece over the finish line, just get extra help when you need it.

  • Weekly Check-in Accountability. Just a quick 15 minute check-in call with me each week in between lessons to answer any questions you may have and make sure you're still on track.

  • My Help When You Need It! While my spirit will be with you 24/7, I still need to sleep. But you will have your own special “member priority” access, so you can get the answers you need as quickly as possible.

What Members are Saying

Here's How It Adds Up

The cost for the entire program for the program year 2024- 2025 is $10,500.
And yes, I offer monthly payment plans.
It’s an investment, but still a savings when you break it down.

12 Monthly Lessons @ $150                                  $1,800
12 Monthly Masterclasses @ $100                       $1,200
12 Monthly Workshops @ $100                            $1,200
Weekly Accountability Calls 3/month at $50       $1,800
2 Retreats with your “Plus One”* $3,100 x 2       $6,200
4 Bonus Lessons $150 x 4                                      $600
One Year My Harp Mastery membership            $492

TOTAL:                                                                        $13,292

YOUR COST:                                                               $10,500, or $875                                                                                                    per month



  • Our dedicated website with music and recordings of all calls and lessons and member forum
  • Personalized curriculum with clear goals and benchmarks to measure your progress.
  • Priority Access to me. This is the ONLY option I currently offer for private one-on-one study with me.
  • Transformation - priceless! Read below to learn about the transformative experiences Sharon and Suzanne have had in the Gold Circle so far.

*Subject to safety and health considerations. Pricing will be adjusted accordingly.

What would transformation look like for you?

There's a path to the change you want to make. Click the link below to schedule a call and let's see how the Gold Circle can get you there.


Can you answer "YES" to these three questions?

Are You Ready For Growth?


Is there a facet of your playing that you really want to change? Perhaps it's a piece you want to learn, developing your technique, growing your repertoire, becoming a more confident performer or attaining a new level of accomplishment. 

Are You Motivated?


Can you envision what will happen for you when that growth begins? Does it feel powerful? Does it feel exciting? Does it feel necessary?

Can You Commit?


Do you have time to practice fairly regularly? Are you wiling to share your journey with a few like-minded harpists, to encourage, challenge and cheer with them? 

Did you answer "YES" to all three questions?

Then I'd like to talk with you about joining the Gold Circle.
Click the button below to go to my calendar and let's find a time to talk.


Think You're Not Ready? Think Again!

The Gold Circle isn't for advanced harpists - it's for harpists of any level who want to advance. But the program is small and I only have limited openings at any time. Don't overthink this and miss your opportunity to work one on one with me. I'm ready to talk if you are. Schedule your call today.