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#190: Transforming Your Practice in 2025

Happy New Year! I’m excited about 2025. I’m excited about all the harp happiness that you and I can add to the world together. I’m excited about the harp goals that I am putting in place for myself this year. And I’m extra excited about the opportunity to talk with you about your goals today.

We aren’t actually going to be talking about goals as much as we will be talking about the most important step you will take toward achieving them. Of course, there are a lot of things that are important to the success of your harp goals: your motivation, your time, your choice of goals, whether or not you are working on your goals alone or with the support of a teacher or coach. But perhaps the single factor that is most important to accomplishing any type of harp goal is this: your practice. 

Without practice, your harp goal is just an idea. Practice is the engine that drives your goal. Whether you want to improve your technique, develop a repertoire, play a concert, learn to improvise, speed up your fingers, or anything else, you can’t do it unless you practice. Your practice makes whatever you want to do with your harp playing possible. Without practice, you may be on the right track, but you aren’t going anywhere. 

That’s why I chose to make the first podcast of 2025 about transforming your practice. Today I want to give you some different ideas about practice that I hope will help you find new direction, new energy, new purpose and more fun in your practice this year. And not only this year, but starting today. After all, isn’t fun a big part of what playing the harp should be? I think so!

Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode: 

Get involved in the show! Send your questions and suggestions for future podcast episodes to me at [email protected]


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