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#170: Performance Nerves: An Impromptu Discussion

I don’t know if you know this, but most Mondays I hold a live video call. I call it our Live Monday Warm-Up, and that’s how it started, as a simple warm-up for anyone who wanted to join me. But like most things, it has morphed over time and now it’s actually a warm-up and a mini-masterclass on harp technique. 

I love these Monday calls and look forward to them each week, not just because I love to teach, but because I love to interact with the harpists that show up and participate with me. They are a pretty loyal group and I will take this opportunity to give them a shout out for showing up every week. You can join us any Monday you like. The calls are free and we stream them through the Harp Mastery® Hub and live on our YouTube channel. 

On a recent Monday, though, the call went a completely different direction from what I had planned. We were going to practice fourth finger slides, but a chance comment in the chat started me off on a 25 minute discussion about performance nerves. It was an incredible discussion with many powerful ideas on that call, not just from me but also from the other harpists on the call, and I wanted to share the recording with you here on the podcast.

I’ve edited out the actual warm-up portion of the call, and please remember that this was a live call so you’ll hear me talking off the cuff, totally extemporaneously. You’ll also be able to tell how passionate I am about this topic, one that is absolutely vital to every harpist’s harp happiness.

You will definitely want a pen and paper to take notes, because there are lots of words of wisdom here, from me and from the others on the call. And I’ll be back at the end with some final thoughts for you.

Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode: 

Get involved in the show! Send your questions and suggestions for future podcast episodes to me at [email protected] 


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