If you’re finally ready to think about making videos of yourself playing the harp, all I can say is, “Welcome to the party!”
You may have been one of the reluctant ones, thinking the technology was going to be too daunting. Or maybe your barrier to entry has been the fact that you just weren’t ready - until now, that is - to share your music on the wild wide-open worldwide web.
Possibly you were one of those who found the idea of making videos intriguing, but when it came down to actually doing it, you found the process surprisingly difficult.
What I'd like to do in this podcast episode is to help you through the challenges of making videos of yourself. While I’ll touch on a couple of tech-related topics, our focus today is really going to be you, what you need to do to prepare you and your music for making a video or even just an audio recording.
I’ve made numerous CDs and obviously I do a lot of video too, and I learned mostly the hard way what works: how prepared you need to be, how to keep your expectations reasonable, and how to ensure you finish the process with a video that you actually feel proud of. If you haven’t made videos yet but would like to, or you’ve tried and thought it was too hard for you, this information will change the game for you. Trust me; you can do this.
On the other hand, if you’re already an old hand at video, I have some tips that may make your process simpler or less time-consuming.
Plus, I will point you to some excellent examples of everyday harpists - not the superstars you may be thinking of - who are doing great things with video. I want you to leave today’s episode feeling inspired and excited about making videos. Why? Because it really can be fun. Really.
Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode:
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