The year-end wrap has become a hot trend. The worthy practice of reflecting on the year that is nearly over and the new one about to start is no longer simply a quiet moment with a cup of tea and a journal. It’s an opportunity for businesses to go public with their successes. We at Harp Mastery® have jumped on the bandwagon, too. It’s fun to look back and see what we’ve accomplished. It’s important, perhaps even more so, to see where we missed the mark. Somehow, though, those aren’t the numbers that show up on social media. We like to count the wins.
But this episode isn’t about what Harp Mastery® has done. After all, this isn’t a business podcast. This podcast is about you, me and our harp playing. And that’s what this episode is about too.
I want to share with you my own system for looking back, for remembering what my year was like. I start in the same way you may, by looking back at my calendar week by week and month by month. But my objective isn’t to see how many goals I have achieved or missed. This isn’t a moment for numbers or statistics for me. This is a moment to acknowledge the changes that happened in the year, both positive and not, the harp happiness I experienced and the people that were part of my year. I want this process to provide me with perspective and clarity, and of course, a place to start from for next year.
I’m sharing this with you today thinking that my ideas may help you find more clarity too. Clarity is where growth starts. It’s what gives direction and purpose to our actions. It’s what gives meaning to our music. The great cellist Yo-Yo Ma says this, "Music is powered by ideas. If you don't have clarity of ideas, you're just communicating sheer sound."
So let’s eliminate the meaningless sound, shut out the noise and get clear on what happened this year.
Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode:
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