Summer is flying by for me, and I imagine for you too. I always make big plans for the summer. I tell myself that this is the summer I will start my Christmas music early or seriously work on my technique or get that recital program memorized. But no matter how good my intentions are, the summer just seems to slip through my fingers without anything to show for it other than a sunburn. It can feel pretty disheartening.
Let’s turn this around for a minute. What if this were the summer that I really enjoyed my harp playing? Not worked hard at it or put pressure on myself to get to that next level or learn that big piece, but just enjoyed it. I’m feeling the harp happiness buzz already.
I hope that sounds good to you too because on today’s show I’m going to share 10 of my favorite ways to create adventure in your summer harp playing - that’s right, adventure.
Your music could be a time machine taking you to a distant place and time. It could be a magic carpet for traveling to far off lands. It could be the soundtrack to a movie or set the mood for a restful evening. If we stopped working so hard occasionally, quit struggling to get the music right, stopped fixing the music and started experiencing the music, imagine where it could take us.
Close your eyes for just a moment and think of one of your favorite pieces. What does it make you think of or where does it take you? How does it make you feel?
Today’s podcast is devoted to savoring the music we play. We won’t talk about technique or fingering or dynamics or even about practice. Instead we are going to explore ways to feel the magic of our music and create some musical adventures with it, right now before summer ends.
Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode:
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