If you’re like me, and I’ll bet you are, you have a lot of music you want to play…someday. My music used to be in piles next to my music stand, until the piles got so untidy that I filed everything in boxes. And every time I dive into one of those boxes to retrieve a piece I need to work on, I find a hidden treasure, a piece I bought long ago that I forgot about. It’s like getting an early Christmas present - a new piece all ready for me to start. It takes all my willpower to also take out the piece I was looking for in the first place.
If you love investigating new music too, then today’s podcast episode is the one you’ve been waiting for. I have some pieces to share that might fill a gap in your gig repertoire or intrigue you or maybe even inspire you to try music you might not have thought was exactly your style.
There is something here for everyone, whether you’re a lever or pedal harpist. The pieces are mostly at an intermediate level, but that’s a pretty wide-ranging level, and you will notice that some are definitely more challenging than others. That’s why I titled this show “Music to Grow By,” because a little bit of a stretch, either technically or musically or maybe both, is good for us.
Some of the pieces are long-time favorites of mine. A few are relatively new discoveries. I love all of them, and my hope is that one of these may become a favorite of yours too.
Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in the podcast episode:
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