Ok, teachers. It’s about time I shared this with you.
On Saturday, August 10th, I’m sharing the strategies that have made my online teaching programs at Harp Mastery® so successful, both for my coaches and me and, more importantly, for our students.
Of course, you know how to play the harp, and you know how to teach the harp. But could you make an even bigger difference for your students?
This seminar isn’t about curriculum or pedagogy or how to teach technique or repertoire. This seminar will show you how to become the kind of teacher whose students don’t struggle with frustration or fear, but enjoy musical growth, progress and harp happiness. It’s also about the systems you can use that will enable you to find even more fulfillment and joy in your teaching.
It’s simple. Happy students. Happy teacher.
I will personally teach you:
- How to attract more of the students you want to teach and keep your current students happy by crafting a simple statement outlining your commitment to your students and their success.
- The right way to set goals with your students, to create faster progress for them and make their lessons more fun for them and for you.
- The exact systems I use with my students to prevent side-tracking and distraction, make progress inevitable, and sustain their love for the harp.
These systems are the ones I developed for my Gold Circle and for our Harp Mastery® Certified Coaching program. It’s important to me that my students know what I want for them and that I am as committed to their harp playing as they are. So I created systems and tools that allow me to keep my commitment in a way that is simple, clear, so we stay on the same page, working for the same goals - my student’s goals.
If you’re the sort of harp teacher who wants more harp happiness for your students and even more fulfillment from your teaching, this seminar is right up your alley.
Here’s How Our Seminar Day Will Work:
(90 minutes)
(90 minutes)
(90 minutes)
But don’t think you can just sit through the workshops. We’re taking action!
I know you don’t have time to waste figuring out how to implement the critical concepts we will be discussing. So these calls are truly workshops. Once we’ve covered what you need to know, we will work together on the call to complete the action steps you need to take. When you leave the seminar day, you’ll be ready to roll out your new teaching system!
Let’s get to the nitty gritty.
Look at what we will be doing in each workshop.
90 Minutes
Your promise is not a mission or a vision. It’s not a list of studio policies. It’s who you are, and how you want to show up for your students.
Your students want to know more than your credentials. When you are crystal clear about what sort of teacher you are or want to be, you attract more of the kind of students you want, the ones you can help the most. And your students know they are in the right place, with a teacher that is attuned to what they need and how to help them play the way they want.
In this workshop you will:
- Clarify your “Teaching Truths”, your private reminder of your teaching philosophy.
- Create a one sentence “Promise Statement,” so your students understand your commitment to them.
- Identify the precise ways in which you will keep your promise to your students.
- Develop your Ideal Student Avatar, so you know if a potential student will be a good fit.
By the end of this workshop you will know exactly who you love to teach and why, and how to tell them why they should study with you.
90 Minutes
Being clear about your promise is great. But you still need the right steps to follow through. Your students’ achievement is in direct proportion to the way you deliver on your promise.
Just because you know the plan and the steps to accomplish it, doesn’t mean your student does. Your students don't have the benefit of your experience. They can’t see the next step in the plan. So part of delivering on your promise means sharing the plan with them through the creation of clear, quantifiable goals that will allow them to see their progress. Goal creation is a skill and an art and is a major focus of this workshop.
In this workshop you will discover:
- The secrets to creating goals that work for your students - and you.
- The six different types of goals and how to outline the steps for each.
- How to curb your student’s “inner squirrel” and keep on track despite distractions and busy schedules.
- The power of “the pivot” when you need to change direction.
- How having the right plan can keep your student motivated and save you time and frustration.
By the end of this workshop, you will have learned how to work with your students to identify and create 90 day goals, how to break them down into attainable benchmarks and how to help your students stay on course, despite whatever distractions arise.
90 Minutes
The success of any plan relies on commitment and follow through. The secret sauce is having a “life-proof” system for keeping you and your student on the same page.
In any teacher-student relationship, it’s easy to take communication for granted, which can lead to stalled progress and misunderstandings. With a few basic guidelines and the tools to help you follow them, staying on the same page can be nearly effortless. Like the bumpers in a bowling alley, these systems keep the ball rolling in the right direction.
In this workshop you will:
- Learn how a Planning Call jumpstarts student success even before the first lesson.
- Explore the three most important parts in a lesson (none of which requires a harp!).
- Discover how to teach your students to practice smarter so they actually make the progress you want.
- Learn how to create more authority by replacing the traditional “top down” teacher-student dynamic with a more productive sense of teamwork.
- Review the simple but powerful documentation process I use with my students (and get all my templates - FREE!)
Plus, we will be sure you have time to complete all the action steps for each workshop BEFORE the seminar is over. You will have everything in place and ready for your students in September.
Have you ever wondered where all the “good” students are?
If you’ve ever struggled to find students who want to learn the harp the way you want to teach it, you know what I mean.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think there are “bad” students, but there are teacher-student mismatches. Sometimes what seems like an ideal pairing of student and teacher at the beginning turns out to be less ideal as time goes on. At that point, it’s time for a difficult conversation, which can often leave uncomfortable feelings on each side.
Wouldn’t it be nice to eliminate those mismatches before they happen?
What if you could be so clear in your communication about your teaching philosophy that a new student would know instantly if you were a good fit for them? You need a simple statement that lets a student know what your aim is for all your students, without using technical language or terminology they may not understand. I’m not talking about your studio policies or your methodology. I’m talking about a single sentence statement that says who you are as a teacher. (Our statement in the Harp Mastery® Certified Coaching program is just three words!) Crafting your personal promise statement is where our seminar starts.
Your teaching starts with your commitment to your students. The next step is to show the student the path to their harp objectives. Your belief and commitment to the student’s goals is how you deliver on your promise. But crafting those goals and segmenting them into achievable benchmarks isn’t as simple as it seems, and it is well beyond the skills of most harp students. After all, when you’re just learning the harp, you can’t know all the intermediate steps to accomplish a goal. That’s why students have teachers 🙂
But you don’t have to create those goals and benchmarks from scratch. I’ve been doing this for years, and I am going to teach you how to do this easily for every student using the templates I have created. In fact, I’m going to share ALL my templates with you, the ones I use from my very first conversation with a prospective student all the way to their final lesson with me. And, I’ll show you how to use them and how to tweak them so they fit your personal Promise Statement right on our call.
But I’ve been teaching for a long time and my students are doing fine. What’s in this for me?
I can understand the question, because just like you, I’ve been teaching for years. But it wasn’t until I started teaching on a mega-scale online that I realized how crucial these systems and structures are. When you’re teaching online, your interactions with your students are filtered and some of the nuances can be lost. It becomes even more imperative to be clear and in agreement with each other on your goals and your path to achieve them. And if you teach in person lessons, these tools will power your students’ progress in surprising ways. I’ve seen it with my students and with the students in our Certified Coaching program.
You’re an experienced teacher. You don’t need anyone to tell you what or how to teach.
- You do want to be sure your students know what you expect of them.
- You do want your students to know what they can expect from you.
- You do want your students to enjoy working with you as you help them achieve their most meaningful harp goals. And you want to enjoy it too!
If harp lessons aren’t fun for both of you, what’s the point?
I’ll tell you honestly that the information I’m sharing with you in this seminar has taken me some trial and error to learn, and years to refine to this point, the point where I know I can rely on my process to make my teaching easier and more fun for me. That’s what I want it to do for you too. Are you ready?
How do I know this system works?
Here’s what our Harp Mastery® students have said about their experiences in our Certified Coaching Program:

“This was an incredibly worthwhile experience and elevated my playing to a new level. I loved the goal-focused approach to each lesson and the teacher lesson notes I received immediately after each lesson that reminded me of what we discussed in the lesson and helped me build on each successive step of my learning. I was learning pieces that were above my grade level yet the teaching/learning system allowed me to make more and faster progress than was possible in the past.”
- Grace

“I was at a crossroads. I had been struggling for a while and feeling like I wasn't getting anywhere. Either I was going to do this and commit to it, or I was going to give it up. With the coaching, I actually started to see progress for once! It kept me going and it kept me practicing. I was able to set goals and get going. The accountability part is huge! I would always let other things get in the way of my harp playing. You don't learn that way..”
- Carol

“For over three years, I have harnessed the power of goal setting and planning incremental steps needed to reach a target. The daily practice record and weekly reviews keep me moving forward. Each month, I reflect on progress towards my 90 day goals. I never wonder what to do next when I sit at my harp. It is an incredible feeling to reach my harp playing goals!”
- Pam
As you can see, each one of these students (like most of our students) found encouragement and power in the system, learning how to set and achieve goals, resist distraction and create progress with the help of their coach. I want all your students to feel the same way!
What’s the deal with “accreditation”?
You get to leverage the influence of the Harp Mastery® brand, that’s what!
This seminar is a “Teacher Accreditation” seminar. The simple fact is when you care enough about your students to take time to become a better teacher, you need some recognition for it. Naturally, your students will notice a difference, but I want to give you some kudos too.
So when the seminar is completed, you will receive a certificate attesting to your having completed this training, plus a special logo and wording that you can post on your website or include in your studio flyer. In addition, we will give you a listing on a page on our Harp Mastery® website, where potential students can easily find you. We want to show your students how dedicated you are!

My Teacher Accreditation Seminar
is right for you if you are:

- Tired of taking on new students, only to find they aren’t really interested in what you want to teach them.
- Discouraged by the never-ending distractions that keep your students from practicing or following through on the plans you have carefully designed for them.
- Frustrated by teaching the same student the same lesson over and over again.
- Wondering why teaching is sucking the energy out of you even though you love working with your students.
- Looking for a way to sustain your student’s motivation and interest all the way to the end of the piece. (Learning a piece halfway doesn’t feel good for a student OR a teacher.)
- Ready to feel like the “master teacher” you are, confident in your expertise and enjoying the rewarding journey that you share with your students. Just imagine the way that would feel…
But wait…there’s more!
$197 Value
Yes! You will have exclusive access to my coaching document vault. This is my treasure trove of documents that I use to create student success. These include my planning call forms, lesson forms, check-in forms, goal templates and more.
$47 Value
Three PDF Training Workbooks
Of course you’ll want to take notes during the workshops, but these workbooks are designed to be references for you long after the Seminar ends. Each workbook is specific to one of the workshops and contains your note-taking guide for the workshop with all the key concepts and action steps. Why did I go to all this trouble? Because I want the information you learn during the seminar to be useful to you not just now, but in the years ahead. Times may change, but these core principles won’t.
$97 Value
Harp Mastery® Accredited Teacher Logo And Verbiage For Your Website
I am proud of my students and that includes my seminar students! So I want to be sure you have something from this seminar besides your new systems to take back to your students to show them just how dedicated you are to them. It’s my version of a standing ovation - you deserve it!
Accredited Teacher Listing on the Harp Mastery® Site
The sky’s the limit with this one! You’ll have your own listing on our soon-to-be-published Harp Mastery® Accredited Teachers page. Your listing, which we will draft together at the seminar, will be out there for all the world to see. I’m proud of you and I want you to have students flocking to your door!
Join the seminar and get ALL these bonuses for…
That Means When You Sign Up For the Harp Mastery® Teacher Accreditation Seminar You Get...
Live Workshop #1: Create Your Promise ($97 Value)
Live Workshop #2: Deliver On Your Promise ($97 Value)
Live Workshop #3: The “Same Page System” ($97 Value)
FREE PDF Training Workbooks ($47 Value)
FREE Exclusive Access to My Document Vault ($147 Value)
FREE Harp Mastery® Accredited Teacher Logo And Verbiage For Your Website ($97 Value)
FREE Accredited Teacher Listing on the Harp Mastery® Site