The Magic of 1%

Learn the Small Steps That Add Up (Almost Magically!) To Big Progress

Hosted by Anne Sullivan, Harp Happiness Expert

Space is limited. Reserve your spot now.

They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

But which is the step in the right direction? 

That journey is still a thousand miles and you can’t afford to waste a step.

Musical growth - becoming a better harpist - is a long journey with a seemingly endless number of steps. Finding the next right step for you right now could make the difference between playing the music you want or endlessly practicing it. Practicing is fun, but playing is better!

This webinar will teach you how YOU can set your own rate of progress, instead of waiting for progress to just happen. Sure, there are variables we can’t control, but the two most important determining factors in how much you accomplish and how quickly are totally in your (increasingly capable) hands. 

You’ll also discover:

  • How the same things that could speed you up may be slowing you down.
  • The simple tweaks that can eliminate the roadblocks you regularly encounter.
  • What the right small steps (that magical 1%) are for you right now.

And yes, we will send out a replay in case you can’t make it live, but only if you sign up!

Space is limited. Reserve your spot now.