Finish It:Â Get Your Music Out of Limbo and Into Your Fingers
Creating Your Personal Success Plan for Taking Your Pieces from Start to Finish
a LIVE 5-Day Intensive with Anne Sullivan
Starting Friday March 8th, I’ll help you discover why your pieces end up in limbo instead of in your repertoire. I’ll teach you:
- How the first steps you take in learning a piece determine how quickly you finish it, or whether you finish it at all.
- The difference between “learning mode” and “playing mode” and when to use each.
- What “finishing” really looks like - it’s likely not what you think - and how to get there faster.
If you’ve ever been stuck practicing a piece endlessly and never seeming to get it ready to play, you know how elusive the Finish Stage of practice can be. It’s time to get off the endless practice hamster wheel and get the results you’re looking for from all those hours of practice - beautiful music you can actually play!
TAKE ME TO THE INTENSIVE →Get Out Your Calendar!
Here’s What to Expect Starting March 8th:

Why no live calls on Thursday?
Because you need time to try these techniques on your own. Taking some time to sort through the material from the previous days and implement these new strategies is critical to your success in using them on your own, after the Intensive ends. Plus, I want to be sure that you have time to make sure you understand all the concepts before our special Workshop and Masterclass on Friday.
When you start to learn a new piece, you can hear in your head how you want to play it someday. You envision yourself playing it with skill and even artistry, for yourself or for others. So you set out your practice plan, feeling confident that with practice you will…

…Master the technical challenges in the piece.

…Create an expressive flow as you play the piece.

…Have another piece you can add to your repertoire.
That’s what finishing a piece ought to feel like.
But here’s the problem… the kind of practice we usually do won’t get us to that elusive finish stage. I’m guessing you already found that out.
You may have always wondered how professional harpists learn so much music so quickly. How do they get music learned on time, particularly when they may not even get the music until shortly before the concert? Do they just practice all day or do they have supernatural powers?
Of course, there’s nothing supernatural about it. Getting a piece past the messy middle and ready to play is difficult for all of us. But lately I’ve gotten some new insight on the piece of the finish process that’s missing for many harpists.
Most of us aren’t taught that the kind of practice that helps us learn a piece is not the same kind of practice that helps us play a piece. There’s the trap. When we stay in learning mode too long, our pieces stagnate and progress ceases. We become bored. Frustration sets in. We double down on our practice and it just seems to get worse. So we put the piece aside, vowing to come back to it later. That’s not the kind of finish we want.
But when you know how to switch between the kind of practice that’s good for learning and the kind of practice that teaches you how to play the piece, the entire learning timeline speeds up, almost without effort. Sure, you still have to practice, but the messy middle is no longer the Slough of Despond; it’s just a learning stage that you can see the end of.
Most of us aren’t taught the process that you need to do this kind of practice, but it’s vital for every harpist who struggles with getting their pieces to the finish. Two of the three basic components - defining the finish and practicing the finish - are fairly simple to explain and not difficult to implement. But the most important component - deciding to finish - is the one that stops many harpists dead in their tracks, stuck in the messy middle.
It’s time to come unstuck and I’m excited to show you how.
Our Finish It! Intensive Workshops
Workshop 1:
Put The Finish First
This is more than simply “begin with the end in mind,” although that’s part of it.
- Never wonder how long it will take to finish a piece - know exactly how to create the learning curve you want so you’ll be ready to play.
- Take back control of your pieces as you decide when and how - not IF - you finish them.
Workshop 2: Practice Or Finish? It’s Your Choice
There are two practice paths, but only one leading to the finish.
- Learn how to shift from “Learning Mode” to “Playing Mode” so you can stop practicing your pieces and start playing them.
- Go from stuck to performance-ready with my step-by-step system for refocusing your practice and taking the short path to the finish.
Workshop 3: Starting So You Know You Will Finish
A strong start can help shortcut the path to the finish.
- Make your first 30 minutes with a new piece the “start of the finish” with 3 essential practice habits.
- Discover the practice strategies you need to learn at your own pace and still finish faster.
Workshop 4: Masterclass
A few of our Intensive participants will have the opportunity to have me coach them live on our call on a piece they want to finish. Plus, we’ll take a few minutes to organize all the strategies you’ve learned into your own personal finish plan.
Wrap up Call and
Q and A
We’ll review the course material, be sure you’re clear on your action steps, and still have plenty of time for me to answer whatever questions you have.


- Tired of feeling like you’re making headway only to get stuck forever in the Messy Middle.
- Frustrated at seeing the pile of pieces you’ve put aside growing - while your repertoire isn’t.
- Nervous about playing for others because you don’t have confidence in your preparation.
- Ready for a better, faster, more enjoyable way to learn - and play! - the music you love.
By the end of our Finish It! Intensive, you’ll have the step-by-step systems for:
- Creating a Finish Timeline for any piece you start.
- Working on the Finish from the very first day you start a piece.
- Practicing the Mindset Shift from Learning Mode to Playing Mode that will not only help you finish your pieces but will help you play them better too!

But even more importantly...
You’ll have the foundation you need to build a track record of finishing the music you start. The more pieces you finish, the easier it becomes to finish the next ones.
This Intensive may be about the finish, but it’s just the beginning of a new way of looking at your harp practice and playing.
If You’re Still Scrolling, I Bet You’re Looking For...
$197 Value
Two Bonus Calls: Starting Line Party and Wrap Up And Q And A Call With Anne
Our Starting Line Party call will get you ready for everything we will cover in the Intensive, with a little bit of a homework assignment for you too. I’ve also added an extra wrap up call so we can talk about questions that may have come up as you began implementing your new Finish process. Just an extra way to keep the progress happening!
$47 Value
Exclusive Access To Our Online “Finish Forum”
Surround yourself with a community of fans of the finish, just like you.
Not only will you be able to collaborate for accountability, encouragement and support throughout the Intensive, but we’ll be holding daily Practice Hall sessions in the Forum too where you and your fellow Finishers can have a quiet space to practice together but silently. It’s just like a study hall, but for practice, and it will give you a dedicated time to try out what you’re learning in the workshops.
$47 Value
16 Day Replay Extension
I know you have a life aside from your harp playing.
While you’ll have all of our workshop replays available the day they happen, you’ll have until March 31st to watch the replays and lean into the community support as you implement.
With this bonus, you can work at a pace that’s best for you. Perfect!
$47 Value
Three PDF Training Workbooks
Of course you’ll want to take notes, but these workbooks are designed to be references for you long after the Intensive ends. Each workbook is specific to one of the workshops and contains everything you need to help you finish your pieces now and in the future.
Join Finish It! and get ALL these bonuses for…
That Means When You Sign Up For the Finish It! Intensive You Get...
Workshop #1: Put The Finish First ($97 Value)
Workshop #2:Practice Or Finish? It’s Your Choice ($97 Value)
Workshop #3: Starting So You Know You Will Finish ($97 Value)
Exclusive Access To Our Online “Finish Forum ($47 Value)
FREE Starting Line Party and Wrap Up And Q And A Call ($197 Value)
FREE 16 Day Replay Extension ($47 Value)
FREE PDF Training Workbooks ($47 Value)