Not Just for You, with You

Most harpists spend needless time, money and energy trying to figure out how to play the harp better. When you’re ready to play the harp the way you want now, not someday, you need to work one-on-one with an expert to show you the fastest way to make it happen and to give you the accountability you need to get it done, then one of our signature coaching programs is the next step for you.

Harp Mastery®
Certified Coaching
Gold Circle


Harpists often struggle because they don't know the secrets to making rapid progress and sustaining momentum. As a Harp Mastery® Certified Coaching student, your certified master teacher provides you with personalized strategies, systems and support, giving you the confidence you need to play the music you want the way you want, and faster than you thought possible.

Learn More about
Harp Mastery® Certified Coaching


The Gold Circle is a small group of harpists who are committed to long-term growth in their playing. This commitment doesn’t depend on your skill level or how long you’ve been playing. It depends solely on your desire – your desire to take your harp playing to a higher level, to reach a particular goal or be able to finally play the music you want – and on your willingness to work to make it happen. Because if you’re ready, I’m ready to work right alongside you every step of the way.

Learn More About The Gold Circle