How many pieces have you put back in the drawer because you just got tired of practicing them?
How many times have you wished you could just finish a piece for once so you could finally play it?
This course will show you a completely different way to practice your pieces, a four-week system of practice techniques and strategies that will take your music from "Maybe if I just keep practicing it will work," to "I love playing this piece. What's next?"
What you'll get:
An entire four-week practice plan, revealed one week at a time so you can maximize your results.
Each week's lesson has video instruction and a PDF guide with specific practice techniques for each day.
A guided review so you can be sure you have learned the practice system, not just your piece.
Most importantly, you will learn the techniques using one of your own pieces, so you will finish the course with a finished piece! Done!
This is a "work at your own pace" course, and it will take you four weeks (or maybe 30 days!) to complete. The time it will save you in the future is where the real payoff is.